Demolition Derby, Script & Ymap
17.50 USD
Package Description
📺 Youtube:
🪧 CFX:
I deliver scripts with CFX Asset Escrow System, those are licensed on your cfx account that you entered when purchasing. Only some parts of them are encrypted. You can still configure alot of things in the open parts and the config file.
How the Script works:
- Players will be able to start a game without needing any assistance from admins. They will be able to set the bet amount as they want.
- Player is able to select the derby type as he/she wants.
- Derby system will give the cars to the participants automatically. The cars will be deleted and bets will be given to winner teams when derby is over.
- How to determine the winner: When the players are eliminated from the race, the minimum vehicle health + Oyuncuların yarıştan elendiklerinde minimum araç canı(configten ayarlanır.) + one point for every second the player stays in the derby. The team's average score is calculated.
- The team with the most points wins the derby. The total bet amount is paid equally to the players of the winning team.
- If more than one team scores the same points, the money is split equally among the winning teams.
- If one of the team mates leaves the game or disconnects from winner team, his/her part of money will be transferred to others.
How to get eliminated from the Derby:
- By leaving the vehicle.
- By not getting to Check Pointe on time.
- By leaving the derby area.
- By taking too many damage to the car.
- Long periods of immobility of the vehicle.
- As long as these events do not happen, the derby continues until the end of the derby time.
What you can edit in the config file:
In game Derby Configurations, Menus:
- The maximum number of teams?
- How many people can join a team?
- How long the derby will last?
- The time to be given for the preparation of the teams.
- How many check points will be in the derby?
- Air Check Point or not ?
- How large the checkpoints will be?
- How many seconds Check Points will stay before disappearing?
- Which cars can be used in derby?
- The participation fees by confirming the derby?
- Set bet amount?
- Create a Team / Join a Team
- Quick Start
- Cancel derby
Things you should know:
- util.lua içersindeki aşağıdaki fonksiyonu değiştirerek tüm bildirim sistemi istediğiniz bildirim sistemine göre ayarlayabilirsiniz.
- If you are using ESX framework or qb-core, you don't need to change anything.
- If you are using a different framework, you should change the codes i will show below in server.lua according to your own framework.